Savita Malik, EdD, MPH
Executive Director
My passion is social justice curriculum development and supporting faculty to be more equitable and effective instructors.

Alycia Shada, MPA
Associate Director
Working for Metro fuels my soul! I love being a part of a community of lifelong learners committed to social justice.

Rama Ali Kased, EdD
Assistant Professor Race in Resistance Studies
My approach and work is very much guided by equity and dismantling all forms of oppression in schooling processes. I am also the mother of two amazing and fierce little ones.

Rose Carmona-Arbulu, MA
Student Services Lead
I am committed to helping all students have equitable access to higher education and helping them navigate the complex institutional policies.
(415) 405-2681

Celia Graterol, MPH
Director of Data Engineering & Analytics
Personal interest: I love being in nature. I love to mountain bike, ski, rock climb, skateboard, surf, hike, and practice yoga.
(415) 405-2630

Michelle Toney, MS
Director of Faculty Coordinator & Coordinator of BUS 1 Academy
My passion is supporting young adults and building a culture where a difference is valued. I believe in taking a holistic approach and grow Metro’s network of people, programs and tools all designed to help our students, instructors, and staff succeed.

Steve Puig, MA
Academic Office Coordinator
I believe in our program's vision and our ultimate goals for the Metro College Success Program—students’ success in college.
(415) 405-0355

Paul Previde, MS, JD
Associate Director of Data and Analytics
I enjoy developing and using software to organize and analyze data in ways that contribute to Metro efforts in fostering student success and education equity.
(415) 405 - 2640

Mary Beth Love, PhD
Founder, Professor Emeritus
I am passionate about working for a mission-driven organization like Metro and committed to education equity which sustains that passion.