With Metro, your donation goes farther.
A recent cost study determined that Metro requires an additional investment of $955 per student per year for two years—a 6.7% increase—yet reduces overall costs per graduate by 13.6%, or more than $13,000, leveraging each dollar investment more than seven times.
This demonstrates that with a modest investment in the first two years of college for historically underserved students, we can eliminate the equity gap in college degree attainment in a cost-effective manner. This critical achievement shows a model for closing the equity gap in college completion, delivering well prepared diverse graduates to lead their communities and contribute to the local, regional, and state economy.
Please consider supporting Metro with a one-time donation or with a monthly donation as your support has a lasting impact on Metro students and our communities.
To make a donation by mail, please send a check payable to "University Corporation San Francisco State" with your gift's designation (e.g., Metro College Success Program) on the memo line to:
Office of University Development
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, ADM 153
San Francisco, CA 94132
Alumni Voices
Thank you to our supporters!
Many thanks to those who have supported Metro College Success Program since our inception. We couldn't do this work without your generosity!
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
California Governor's Office Award for Innovation
CSU Chancellor's Office
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)
U.S. Department of Education: Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP)
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
Bridge to Success
Career Ladders - Learning Works
College Access Foundation of California
Genentech Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
Kaiser Foundation
Maisin Foundation: Maisin Scholar Awards
Marcled Foundation
Peter and Mimi Haas Fund
The Stupski Foundation
George and Helen Kallianis Memorial Scholarship