Our mission is to increase equity and excellence in college completion through engaging, supportive, rigorous, and socially responsive education.
We believe that education...
- is a public good,
- is critical for a functioning multi-cultural democracy,
- is a tool to help dismantle long-standing oppression,
- empowers historically marginalized students to become impactful leaders for social justice.
Metro is a data-informed comprehensive retention and equity program that has redesigned the first two years of higher education. In Metro, students join career-themed learning communities that follow core GE pathways. Wraparound services and faculty 'coaches' support students in every step of their educational journey. Metro's faculty community works together to develop supportive classroom practices and engaged pedagogy methods, with a passion for learning, social justice, and student success.

- Mary Beth Love, Co-Founder of Metro

Our Values

We welcome our students in a supportive community. We cultivate communal spaces that celebrate our cultural wisdom and help us grow as scholars and activists.

Together, we reimagine an educational system where all students thrive, not just survive. We see education as a mechanism for collective liberation and healing, and ultimately a thriving multicultural democracy.

Our work is guided by acts of radical, decolonial love. With love, we see and honor the brilliance of our young scholars and foster their collective dignity.

We commit to our students and our communities. We commit to understanding and dismantling educational injustices, in solidarity with all oppressed peoples.

In solidarity with our students and communities, we aim to transform higher education to become a catalyst for deeper social change.

We work with urgency for intersectional social justice. We embrace and celebrate the many intersecting identities of our young scholars and understand that all forms of justice are interconnected.